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Privacy, Copyright & Disclaimer's February 15, 2004 Monthly Newsletter

Greetings from, now 910 winery listings strong! 25 more wineries since last month have been added.

Sorry for the day delay. I was in New York for my brother's 50th birthday party and just got home. We had a great time and I will have pictures up next week of the party, the famous cake and a photo of me and Giada De Laurentiis from FoodTV's "Everyday Italian" show that was taken this morning while visiting Jacques Torres chocolate shop in Brooklyn.

I spent a lot of time working on the site this past month and updated over 270 winery listings. I still have more changes to make this weekend.

And now, on to the show...

March 2004 Wine Releases

The following winery information pages have been updated since 1/15/2004:

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