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"Defy the Law of Supply and Demand"

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In keeping with the "Defy the Law of Supply and Demand" motto, I am adding a new feature to my monthly wine release emails. Each month I will highlight a few winery mailing lists to join. Wineries give priority based on how long a person has been on their mailing list as well as how much wine they purchase. Getting on the wineries mailing list before the winery gains popularity will allow you to lock in an allocation. Sign up as soon as possible as I will post this mailing list information in January on

December's recommended mailing lists:

Ristow Estate
A small Napa winery recently profiled in the November 15th issue of Wine Spectator as a "California Cabernet Sauvignon Worth Watching" (Page 76).
Mailing list:

Bacio Divino
A 1,000 case per vintage producer of Super Tuscan wines. GQ's December 2000 issue hails the wine as one of the next cult wines and declares "If there is a better American Cabernet blend for less than $100, it is being bottled secretly."
Mailing list:
On to the releases...

January 2001

We love

Happy Holidays!

Neil Monnens


A B O U T : This is the monthly email published on the 15th of every month by listing wine releases for the next month.

C O P Y R I G H T : We welcome and appreciate forwarding of WineRelease publications in their entirety or in part with proper attribution: Source: 2002

L E G A L N O T I C E S : While used its best efforts in collecting and preparing the information published herein, does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions resulted from negligence, accident or other causes.

S U B S C R I P T I O N S : is published on the 15th of the month. Subscriptions are free and sign-up is easy, past newsletters and subscription information can be found

A R C H I V E S : To see past wine release information visit If you would like to see past monthly newsletters visit

U N S U B S C R I B E : This message has been sent to you because you signed up to receive it. If you no longer wish to receive this monthly email, reply with the words "REMOVE" in the subject and you will be promptly removed from our mailing list.

Defy the law of supply and demand

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